How many of us have seen old pictures of our parents only to face palm? The over sized suits, ugly fabrics, etc. Our children will do the same, maybe even worse if you bought into the male romper over the summer or wear Crocs religiously. You may have heard the term "fast fashion" which is a here today gone tomorrow trend. It works usually because the clothes are not the best quality and only last a season anyway. When it comes to buying quality clothes you want to stick with a timeless style.
Our clothing lasts at least two to three years with constant wear, the jackets will usually last longer than the pants so we want to make sure our clients stay away from anything that will be out of style in the next year or two. Here is our take on a few things that are going out of style as well as a few things that you should be doing instead.


In a professional environment we don't see this trend lasting much longer. The one thing the skinny fit has done is it brought attention to fitted suits. The difference being more of a streamlined, tapered look instead of a tight body fit.


We understand there may be push back on this one but we have seen many people steer clear from anything under 2.5" wide ties and therefore a 2.5" wide lapel. Like the skinny suit, a skinny lapel has also helped in bringing in a more streamlined look that is here to stay, but stay away from skinny ties and a skinny lapel. Stay around 2.75" to 3.25". If you have wide shoulders or a larger frame, go towards a 3.5" to 4" lapel and tie.


Full disclosure, I bit on this trend on two of my pants and I hate it because it doesn't make sense to me. I have never shown my socks while wearing pants in my entire life, why would I do it in my most formal outfit? I know they will be going out of style really fast and I will have to hem them back to a 1/4 break. Don't expect this to be around after this year. Keep it at a 1/4 break or no break, but do not bring it to flood pants.


In the 80's it was the long jackets, now younger men are choosing a shorter jacket. In the 80's it looked like Men were wearing their Dads jacket now it looks like men are wearing their Sons jacket. The jacket should reach your finger knuckles, that is the perfect length.
Keep in mind fashion forward is being timeless it is not following trends. The goal is to be timeless and stylish, not fashionable. You should be adhering to this advice especially if you only wear suits the odd time, the suit will last you longer and you want it to be timeless since it will last you many years.

If you wear suits all of the time you want to purchase something that is high quality and lasts well past 2 years. That means you should be staying away from trends and going for timeless. Make sure it fits, make sure it is a great fabric and make sure it is comfortable to wear.

We understand this may not be the most popular opinion and we would love to hear yours in the comments below.

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