Wearing a Maroon Suit: Tips on what to wear with it

The maroon or burgundy suit has been our most popular suit (besides navy and charcoal) since 2018. We strongly recommend adding this suit to your wardrobe. If you already have it or are looking to add it, here is some inspiration on how to bring dress shirts, ties and pocket squares that you already own into this look.

Let's emphasize this point, have a maroon garment in your wardrobe whether it is the suit, dress shirt or accessories. It is a beautiful color to add. In this look I went a little more stylish with the black shirt and black pocket square. Neutrals like white, grey, black or navy pair with this outfit beautifully, as you will see below.
Suit: Maroon
Dress shirt: Black
Tie: None
Pocket Square: Black puff fold

Keeping with the clean look, how about this? White dress shirt, neutral patterned pocket square and I know you can't see it, but a black tie. If you love the idea of a classic black suit, white shirt, black tie, white pocket square, opt for this one instead.
Suit: Maroon
Dress shirt: White
Tie: Black
Pocket Square: Black and white polka dot

This outfit gives you an idea on what colors to pair with it but also a reminder to not overdo it. The maroon suit is such a bold color that it needs to stand out and be the focal point. The blue vest and white shirt paired with it are perfect, so is the blue pocket square.
However, the blue watch strap clashes and the patterned pants overdo it. If the pants and vest were the same fabric, that would be ideal. Whether that is navy or the patterned fabric, either would look better than adding too many fabrics.
Suit: Maroon
Vest: Navy
Dress shirt: White
Tie: None
Pocket Square: White

If you want to make a statement, go with the 3-piece maroon outfit but keep everything else "quiet" in the look. The maroon tie keep everything together but the subtle pattern breaks up the maroon. Adding a white dress shirt and pocket square again allows the maroon to stand out and be the focal point.
Suit: Maroon
Vest: Maroon
Dress shirt: White
Tie: Maroon pattern
Pocket Square: White

As you can tell, we are not overdoing any of these looks, we are keeping them neutral and classy. This outfit allows for a bit of variation, keeping it timeless and classy while allowing stylish choices. The white pants allow the jacket to pop with the black dress shirt and pocket square. Nothing looks cluttered, clashing or over-powering.
Suit: Maroon
Dress shirt: Black
Dress Pants: White
Tie: None
Pocket Square: Black and white polka dot
We hope this suit is high on your list, if not, we hope you are looking at the dress shirt or tie to bring into your wardrobe. Here is a rundown on how to wear this suit:
Suit: Maroon
Vest: Maroon, Neutral Gray, Navy
Dress Shirt: White, Neutral Patterned (Black or Grey), Maroon Patterned, Blue, Solid Black
Tie: Maroon, Black, Navy, Gray
Pocket Square: White, Navy, Black, Neutral Patterned, Light Blue
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